AISD Facilities Task Force Proposes Webb MS for Closure, Reagan for Repurposing
A task force appointed by the AISD Board of Trustees to examine changes in facilities use has made several proposals around closing Webb MS and sending its students to other area middle schools (Lamar, Burnett, Dobie, Pearce) as part of a cost-cutting effort in AISD. While these proposals are preliminary, they have made it through the first round of discussions by the task force. Also proposed is using the Reagan campus for an alternate purpose such as housing the AISD central offices.
The SJCSA will be discussing a response to these proposals at its next meeting on January 11 at Webb MS from noon to 1:30. SJCSA member Susan Moffat is on the task force and has been monitoring events for the community. For more information, she can be contacted at
SJCSA awarded “100 Best Communities for Youth in America” for 2010
The America’s Promise Alliance in Washington D.C. announced on September 21 that the St. John Community School Alliance had been awarded the “100 Best” designation for third consecutive time (2006-2010). This award is based on the way the community strives to fulfill five promises that young people need for success in life: caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, effective education and opportunities to help others. Over 350 cities and communities applied this year.
Mr. Christopher Eppes from the APA came to the annual HopeFest event at Reagan HS on October 9th to present the “100 Best” award. Among those present at the ceremony were Judge Sam Biscoe from the Travis County Commissioner’s Court, Austin City Council Member Sheryl Cole and AISD Board of Trustees President Mark Williams. APA donated $1,000 towards HopeFest and will be supporting the community throughout the next year with grant opportunities.
Promise Neighborhood Planning Team Chooses St. John for Grant Application
A coalition of City of Austin/Travis County/AISD/Non-profit and community partners has chosen the St. John community and its three schools, Pickle, Webb and Reagan for the target area for a Promise Neighborhood grant application. The team, working over 6 months, made the decision based on community data and capacity for successful change. The Steering Committee for the initiative, consisting of 6 community members, 6 municipal and school district members and 6 non-profit/foundation partners will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010.
Several community meetings were held in January to gather more input from the St. John community, including the January meeting of the SJCSA. Response was overwhelmingly positive. There are two more opportunities for community input, on Thursday, Feb. 11 at Reagan HS from 7-9 pm (targeted at northeast Austin residents) and Tuesday, Feb. 16 at Webb MS from 6:30 -8 pm (primarily for those interested in supporting the Promise Neighborhood initiative). Spanish translation will be provided at both meetings.
Question can be directed to Allen Weeks, St. John Neighborhood Association president, at 653-4935.
SJCSA to Host Dropout Prevention Summit
The St. John Community School Alliance will host a dropout prevention summit in conjunction with the Hispanic Futures Conference at Reagan HS on Feb. 13 from 10 am to 2 pm. Three sessions will be held, focusing on improving the judicial system for truancy and attendance, best practices in dropout prevention, and student/parent perspectives on dropout prevention. Flyers for the event are available by e-mailing